Musis Balkonzaal 15:00 - 16:30
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Founders & investors event – Startup50 Gelderland & FoundersFuel

Max Schalow & Chingiskhan Kazakhstan (Selana / Bondi / FoundersFuel), Julian Leijser (Startup50 Gelderland)

If you’re an ambitious founder looking to grow, or an investor looking for opportunities, this is your event:

FounderFuel is dedicated to creating the most valuable and engaged community for founders and investors experiencing growth. Connect with like-minded peers, access valuable opportunities and keep learning from the best. They organise exclusive “Silicon Valley-style” informal drinks for established founders & investors.

Startup50 Gelderland brings together the most innovative and promising startups from Gelderland. It’s their goal to promote the growth and visibility of these emerging companies by connecting them with investors, potential customers, and the right business network.

With their powers combined..
On October 18th these networks will join hands to organise a combined Founders & investors event as part of the INNOVATE Experience 2024. The event starts at 15:00 and kicks off with a ~30 min guest lecture/interview with, Max Rohn, an inspiring and established founder with a social business. After that, the balcony doors and bar will open so founders and investors can go outside and get to know each other in an informal setting. Inside, in the balcony foyer, there will be speeddating sessions hosted by Startup50 where startups can meet a variety of relevant organisations.

Please note that this is a ‘semi-invite’ only event: Please use the form below to apply – the hosts will select the people that best fit this event.


Please apply to join via this form:

Founders & investors event - Startup50 Gelderland & FoundersFuel

This session takes place during the INNOVATE Experience on October 18th, from 15:00 until 16:30 hrs, in the Balcony Foyer (Balkonfoyer) of Musis Arnhem.
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